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Upcoming Updates & New Features
Local Chat session saving in user browser
Download chat .json button/upload chat json button.
Expected Release: Late October 2024
Transfer to another device chat button
This will store the users chat in a section of storage in our server for an hour or so allowing the user to open the chat on another device with ease.
Expected Release: Early Novemeber 2024
Character Pages
Shows more information about a character—it's the view character button.
Expected Release: Late October 2024
Feedback Button
While we do not provide or store comments, users will be able to leave feedback and praises to a creator. Submitting this will share your platform username and send a notification to the creator if their account is connected Discord.
Expected Release: Late October 2024
Chat Storage, using Tokenizations + Dictionary Mapping and LZMA
Users will be able to store up to 10 chats permanently as long as they login at least once every 3 months. To provide additinal flexiblity, any chats beyond this limit can be stored up to 3 days if storage is available. We encourage users to regularly review and save important conversations to avoid any potential data loss.
Expected Release: Late Novemeber 2024
Improved Tagging System
We’re enhancing our tagging system to make it easier to search and categorize characters based on user-specific interests.
Expected Release: November 2024
Interactions Counter
Counter for how many people have messaged your bots and the total # of interactions.
Expected Release: November 2024
Bug Fixes
Unicode Replacement Bug
random unicode characters such as u2019 which means single quotation are showing up in the generations this should be fixed similar in the way of const fixedText = text.replace(/u2019/g, "'"); to remove these from appearing in the bot responses.
Expected Release: October 2024